PromptBundlePurchase breaks MarketplaceService while in studio

Testing Place By Muneeb:
Avatar Inspect Menu Repro.rbxl (55.4 KB)

Reproduction steps

  1. Click play after opening the place in studio.
  2. Click “Inspect Items” button on the left.
  3. Pick any item and click to purchase.
    *Note: Error occurs with all bundles. Including legacy bundles like “Spaceman” or “Headless Horsemen”.

You will get an error like this after following the steps:

Alternatively, you can run this line of code in the command bar. (results in the same error).

game:GetService(“MarketplaceService”):PromptBundlePurchase(game.Players.LocalPlayer, 305)

Expected behavior

Using “PromptBundlePurchase” should display a purchase prompt UI like in the image:

Actual behavior

Using “PromptBundlePurchase” errors and does not show purchase prompt. Additionally, the marketplace service will cease to function after using it.

IMPORTANT: This bug is only on studio when you play test. Prompting a bundle purchase works in-game.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!

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Hey! While looking into error analytics for my experience, I noticed an identical error. It seems that this bug is happening in-game and not just studio. The frequency as far as I can tell is lower in-game.

(occured over a thousand times today)

Hi - Thank you for your report.

@WiggleTwis, Regarding the error in your experience, could you please let us know which experience and whether your players are likely to attempt purchasing a bundle or item that’s been taken off sale within that experience?

@WiggleTwis Regarding the studio bug, thank you for filing it. We are able to reproduce it consistently.

We believe the bug only shows up when you try to buy a Bundle that requires upsell. We do not plan to support a test purchase upsell (where no charge is made).

As a work around - for testing in the game, you can use a free bundle or a one that costs lower than your current Robux balance and trigger the test purchase prompt correctly. Please let us know if that works for you. Thank you

Hey! Here are some answers to your questions:

Regarding the error in your experience, could you please let us know which experience and whether your players are likely to attempt purchasing a bundle or item that’s been taken off sale within that experience?

Players are only able to prompt purchases for items onsale. Notably, the only bundle in my game is ROBLOX’s space man for 300 robux. (space element → second floor → elemental body → avatar shop)

Game link:

We believe the bug only shows up when you try to buy a Bundle that requires upsell. We do not plan to support a test purchase upsell (where no charge is made).

Reportedly, this error occurs around 30-50 times an hour. (with thousands of CCU, this is a negligible amount considering the error is client-sided).

I’ve checked my error logs thoroughly and this error has been happening for quite sometime, months before any new changes including bundle purchases. ← Unsure of how upsell could happen in-game even if its extremely rare.


Seeing that new changes are being made to the marketplace service, we can close this bug report. Thank you for the workarounds! :blush:

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