How could i detect if the player hit the cancel button while Prompting the gamepass
The image is the example, as you can see there is an “Cancel” Button and i wanted to know or detect whenever the player hits it
How could i detect if the player hit the cancel button while Prompting the gamepass
The image is the example, as you can see there is an “Cancel” Button and i wanted to know or detect whenever the player hits it
Can anyone helped me in here?
The 3rd parameter of the function is wasPurchased (boolean) so you can check whether or not the person getting the option to buy it is cancelling it or purchasing it
How could i do that? I’m little bit bad at understanding when it comes in coding and stuff
mp.PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(player, id1, wasPurchased)
if wasPurchased then
-- your code
-- your code
Thank you for giving me an clear explanation and examples. I’ll look afterward!
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