PromptGamePassPurchase() using random gamepass ids

Hello dear developers. I’m making a character selection gui but i’m facing this issue.

I have a character selection system with robux purchasing. if they do not own the skin, i use the promptgamepasspurchase() with the actual gamepass id. but its still showing random gamepass ids. like gravity coil, radio, speed coil, vip etc. but if i use the function in command bar its using the actual id.

I tried changing the id but its still same. I made characters with same gamepass id, they show different gamepass ids. one of them gravity coil and one of them radio.

I tried this on roblox too but its still same. Third party sales is closed.

Is anyone facing this issue?

Is it showing a different gamepass each time you try to buy it? If not make sure you copied the actual gamepass id and not the place id for the game

Sorry it’s my fault i found the actual problem with debugging. With this am i going to get warned?

Glad you found the solution, I am also pretty new to this but I dont think you would get warned, mark yourself as the solution and close the post if you wish.

Thank you. so much Have a good day :smiley:

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