PromptGamepassPurchaseFinished only fires after you click ok

So I am making it so when you get a gamepass it gives you something, the issue is, I use PromptGamepassPurchased to see if they purchased it and then give that thing, and that only fires after you click ok, but it takes your robux when u hit buy. So what if you hit buy, but dont hit ok, and leave the game, you never get your product.

Is there another event i can use that fires when you hit buy and not ok?

Yeah. I also tried it with a script, PromptGamepassPurchaseFinished and PromptProductPurchaseFinished only fires when you press okay.

Yeah but it takes your robux when you press buy. Its really weird, you have any idea how to fix it?

No idea, I’m also trying to find the way to fix that, also I’m new to gamepasses and developer product being I rarely use them in my game.

Alright, inform me if you find a solution though. Thanks!

That’s the point of PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished, it’s only supposed to fire when the prompt is actually closed. If a player leaves before the event fires, you can always check on a new server if they own game passes with UserOwnsGamePssAsync.

Ah alright, thank you. Is there any event that fires when they hit buy?

No there isn’t. PromptFinished signals are the only signals that interface with the buy prompt.