Can it made on server?
Because, otherwise how can I secure my remotes.
Basically, when someone buys a product, I fire a remote, and player get cash, how can I secure the remote?
Or as said before, PromptProductPurchaseFinished is fired on server too?
PromptProductPurchaseFinished is depercated. The Developer API states you should use PromptPurchaseFinished instead. Except I guess you have to use it since your’s is a Dev Product?
Actually, now I’m a bit confused. Roblox says it’s depercated and says to use PromptPurchuseFinished except that says use PromptProductPurchuseFinished for Dev Products. Let me do some digging.
I would just look into moving into ProcessReceipt since it handles a lot more than PromptProductPurchuseFinished. And I know that will work on the server.