PromptPurchaseFinished types Player parameter as Instance and not Player object

The current issue is that all PromptPurchaseFinished events set the type of the parameter player as Instance and not Player, including PromptBulkPurchaseFinished, PromptBundlePurchaseFinished, PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished, and PromptPurchaseFinished. You can see this in the documentation below:

You can view this behavior in studio or in the documentation: MarketplaceService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub.

This is contradicting, as “The Player object” should be typed as Player, not as Instance. There is no reason an Instance besides a Player should be passed through those parameters during an event as such, therefore the type should be changed.

This bug has little to no impact, although if a developer types it as Instance, they will lose relevant code suggestions

Sent this one to the team! Thanks for the report :slight_smile: