Proof Of Concept: Ability to connect to roblox servers and communciate with them/execute code

Proof Of Concept

In a nutshell, this was a part of one of my bigger projects but I decided to split it off into something smaller. This uses the roblox api to uploade a script and start a roblox server which I can then communicate to with HttpService.
I know that you might not understand this because it kind of sounds like blabber but here is a demo of it:

It is barebones but what it does it manages to execute code while communicating with the roblox servers without Roblox Studio.
I originally made this as a way to debug and log what you create in my web version of roblox studio as shown here:

How it works

I start up a server with the gamejoin api first and then have it connected to a gateway/relay server.
I basically use a gateway/relay HttpServer that connects to the roblox server and passes logs back and forth between each other like a communciation.


I hope some day I will manage to communciate real roblox 3d objects and assets to visualize the game over the server through this method.