Proper Filtering?

script.Parent.Filter.OnServerInvoke = function(plr, txt)
print('txt before: ', txt)
local newTxt = game.Chat:FilterStringForBroadcast(txt, plr)
print('txt after: ', newTxt)
return newTxt

function filter(plr, txt)
print('txt before: ', txt)
local newTxt = game.Chat:FilterStringForBroadcast(txt, plr)
print('txt after: ', newTxt)
return newTxt

Currently, all the text is filtered to my knowledge by this yet the game went under review…

Hi there C0_le,

Welcome to the RbxDev forums. Could you give a bit more information about what we are reading. What is invoking Filter. Are it chat messages or just input that you use for gameplay inside the game world ?

If you reply to the email that Roblox will have sent you, they will point out where the issues are with filtering, I know it can seem like a slow process, but it is what I had to do to find out what the issue was in my place.

I have checked my email and did not receive an email sent by Roblox. I only received an automated Roblox message notifying me that my game has been placed under review.

along with with message filtering, you also have to make sure players that have chat disabled by parental controls can’t see chat

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Check out the ROBLOX Wiki page on text filtering. It gives pretty useful examples!

They will have sent an email to the one associated with the owner of the game

From what I have seen, you’re just sending text to the server to filter.

You don’t need to filter text that only that client sees. Only text that other clients see / text that is saved.