Someone has to bring back this topic every year so uhh yeah I’ll be the one i guess.
Roblox won’t come to linux in the near future, as what said before is still valid, it’s too much work for what it’s worth. However, if linux keeps growing at the rate it is now, then one day, eventually, Roblox will have to add linux support, linux’s desktop market share has went from 2.33% to 2.8% (September 2021 to September 2022, I don’t know about this month) according to this, that’s a huge increase for such a small market share. There are currently 74,277 games on Steam, with 10,716 of them having native linux versions, which is a huge number bump from the time that @Brinker7 mentioned but is a decline in percentage (roughly 14.5% of them are native); and 12% of all Steam games out of the 14% rated have a silver or higher rank on ProtonDB.All the linux players and developers of Roblox and myself can hope for is for linux to grow enough so that roblox can make a linux native port without it being a hassle.
ok cool but what about the current state of Roblox on linux? Well… it’s not that bad, grapejuice and wine are able to handle that, the player works FLAWLESSLY, but studio on the other hand… yep it still needs a seizure warning for a lot of the menus (which are near unusable unless you know how to navigate them without seeing them), and it crashes when using with some renderers (varies on each person’s device), and it has some other bugs which are significantly smaller but still exist, i don’t know about virtual machines though since i haven’t tried them yet, someone let me know how Roblox works on virtual machines if you use it like that.
But there are still concerns about what will happen to Roblox for linux, we don’t know if new features will cause new problems, we don’t know if some changes make our situation better or worse, but most importantly, Byfron, the anticheat Roblox has acquired and is looking forward to use, Byfron has been present on 3 games (Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Valorant, info from here) and only one of them works on linux (Apex Legends), fortnite isn’t supported for linux in the first place, and Valorant is broken probably due to their own anti cheat (info gathered from Are We Anti-Cheat Yet?), so there isn’t any evidence of whether or not Byfron’s anti cheats on roblox will affect linux users, but anti cheat software have always been the killer of linux gamers. so I want someone here to answer me on this one
Roblox won’t be getting a linux native version any time soon, Roblox on linux is hard to get working in the first place, but we still can use it, but will Byfron take away even these hacky solutions we have now in order to access Roblox on linux? Or is Byfron going to be one of the anti cheats that doesn’t have a seizure when sees someone is using linux?
Even if y’all never make a linux native version, just please don’t take the small things we have now.
Thanks for reading
Edit 1: added Steam and ProtonDB data, also added all the info i could gather about Byfron.
Edit 2: fixed some numbers.
Edit 3: removed “and we don’t have to deal with the new roblox app
” cause as of right now we also have to deal with it