Property is a 'Vector3', but given type is 'double' Error

Hi Other Developers,
I’ve been running into this error where I’m trying to make a part bob up and down but I can’t get it to work.

Here is my code:

-- variables
local TweenSerivce = game:GetService("TweenService")
local BobAnimationInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, -1 , true)

-- Makes the Orb bob up and down
local newPos = Orb.Position.Y + 5
TweenSerivce:Create(Orb, BobAnimationInfo, {Position = newPos}):Play()

And here is the error:

Help would be very appreicated!

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Try this …

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local BobAnimationInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, -1, true)

-- Makes the Orb bob up and down
TweenService:Create(Orb, BobAnimationInfo, {Position = Orb.Position +, 5, 0)}):Play()
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Okay so with your “newPos” variable, you’re taking the Y value of a position and adding 5 to it. That’s cool, but you’re not actually changing that value in the positional component of the object you’re referencing so basically you’re just inserting the Y value plus five which is a number.

Now it’s giving you an error telling you that you’ve added a “double” instead of a Vector3. A double is basically the same as a “float” or a non whole number / decimal.

That’s because the Y value is probably very specific and it’s not a whole number even after adding 5

@2112Jay has your solution, this is just a breakdown


This needs to be:
local newPos = Orb.Position +, 5, 0)

Vector3 is an immutable type, so you can’t change just the Y value of an existing Vector3, and if you extract just Y, you’ve got only a Number, not a Vector3 anymore. So your newPos is type Number, which is a ‘double’ in C++ (double-precision float).


This isn’t a Vector3! newpos is just a double, which is because you don’t have the rest of the x, y, and z.

here is a fix

local newPos =, 5, 0) -- this works because you can add, subtract, divide, & multiply other vector3's together. You can NOT subtract and add them with only numbers..(this only applies to those two, division * multiplication are fine.
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