Proportional Navigation on Roblox

Proportional Navigation, also known as “Pro-Nav” is a homing guidance law used on missiles like the AIM-9X. It exploits the fact that if 2 objects are on a constant LOS (Line of Sight), they are bound to be on a collision course.

It has some moderately complex physics involved in it, though watching a few videos makes it easier to understand.

While the videos explain it well in 2D, I’m still a bit confused about how it works in 3D. It seems to be pretty hard to implement into a game engine like ROBLOX because the game engine with some confusing and weird physics.

Any help would be appreciated.

I found this a while back, it’s code implementation and explanation on proportional navigation, written in Python. I don’t know Python but the code is pretty self-explanatory.

Also just saying, the AIM-9X’s guidance algorithm is more complicated than just this. Early variants like the AIM-9B only used proportional navigation, raw and mechanical. It’s quite beautiful.