Since the opening of #development-discussion to regular forum members, we’ve seen a dramatic change in how people communicate in that category. It has gone from being development-related to slowly becoming more and more general Roblox-related.
In this topic, I’m proposing possible changes that could improve the quality of the discussion category, while maintaining a safe and engaging space for everyone.
Alternativ 1 - Subcategories
The current system only allows you to post into the main category, without any possibility of dividing different posts, resulting in a pile of chaos.
Subcategories are a good way to divide the context of a discussion thread. It can help to get the right discussion to the right audience.
Proposed changes
- 1 | Adjust the name from “Development Discussion” to “Discussion”
- 2 | New category: “General Discussion”
- Used for general discussion such as changes within the platform
- 3 | New subcategory: “Development Discussion”
- Used for development discussion, such as development methods
- 4 | Removal of the “Lounge” category in favor of new discussion subcategories.
Alternativ 2 - Category lock
Previously, the “Development Discussion” category was locked to only Regulars. This showed to have less spam and more high-quality posts.
Proposed changes
1 | Lock posting access for rank “Member” in #development-discussion
2 | Unlock posting access for rank “Member” to post in #lounge:roblox-discussion & removal of #lounge:off-topic in favor of this.
The End
I’d love to hear what you guys think. If you have any other suggestions or feedback regarding my proposals, please, let me know below!
- Alternativ 1 - Subcategories
- Alternativ 2 - Category link
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