Hello, Devfourm members! I was thinking what would people think of the terrain i’m making
I don’t really know if it is good or bad, I think it’s okay but I want your ideas!
Please leave below that how good is the quality, graphics and the terrain! I accept disagreement but don’t personally insult me! Leave your ideas below!
To be honest I am not a big fan of the roblox terrain system. However I think it still looks good with the use and mixing of fitting materials. The idea with the black rocks over the lava looks original and new to me. Also I can’t tell anything about details since the rendering distance is lowering the quality. With some improved lighting it could look very cool.
Oh ok, well here’s a plugin that can help a lot with terrain once you get the hang of it. It’s personally what I used to make a ocean/Island map a while back:
Feels dull. What I could find room for improvement is some landscape & vegetations. By the way, I’m not a fan of using the automatic generator. I prefer using the tools and create them manually.
Do You Have An Example?
Sort of, I used the knowledge of topology in order to create this and I recently tried the terrain tool again since months ago. Haha.
If you’re looking to add a little bit of flare into your build to distract from the monotonous textures of the roblox terrain, you can always mix some meshes or models into your map.
There’s a few ways I’d recommend going about this:
Adding trees or bushes to the more lively parts of your map.
Of course you wouldn’t want trees in your molten area, however things such as dead shrubs or charred trees could add a lot in terms of variety to your landscape.
Making use of meshes to add rocks to your terrain.
This is a personal favourite of mine and is used by big game studios in the non-roblox world such as Besthesda! This is done by placing a rock object into your terrain to break up the texture and add some height variation. For a visual example, take this screenshot of one of my first terrain showcases:
It’s a great start and good use of mixing. I would suggest semi - transparent, orange / red neon parts over the lava terrain to give it a glow (and some pointlights / surfacelights on those.) It’s all about lighting. I also see you have a bridge, but no paths leading to it, so I’d add some beaten trail leading up to the bridge to make it seem less out of place. Wonderful work!
Eh. It looks okay at best. I really think what you should do here is add vegetation as @anon81993163 suggested before, but you should also add some buildings and other things to look at, something the player can look at and say, “Wow, nice!”
Also, I do think the lighting can be improved, yes. In real life, shadows are blue because it’s the color of the sky, even during sunset or sunrise. Try changing OutdoorAmbient to have a more blueish hue - just don’t go overboard. Also you might want to increase brightness a bit.
Lastly, try blending the rock and grass together. You should probably use the Grow tool for this. Set the brush strength somewhat low and increase your brush size, and then start brushing where the rock and grass meet.
Here’s a couple more things you should consider adding:
Background terrain, players should feel somewhat immersed in your world
Maybe try changing your terrain colors depending on what season your game takes place in i.e. if your game takes place in fall your grass material should be colored a bit orangeish
More interesting landform/terrain features, add some waterfalls or something, lakes too
Add post-processing if you haven’t already, it’ll make your game look even nicer
One last thing, personally, I wouldn’t generate terrain because usually, you’re not going to end up with what you want. It also tends to not have as much quality as hand-made terrain. It might be faster to generate than to make terrain, but making terrain w/o the Generate tool can really pay off, especially when you’re experienced with smooth terrain.
I think that volcanic area is far too large for grass to be anywhere near it. The large regions of rock in the middle of it doesn’t really make sense. If this is an active volcanic zone, how did those rock masses form? Lava doesn’t flow straight upward, so unless the ground started to abruptly break apart like in black ops two or something, that rock shouldn’t be there.
Also, that bridge placement also doesn’t really make sense. One, that bridge doesn’t look like it would last long at all hanging over molten lava like that, and two, that place doesn’t really look like somewhere people would traverse frequently. It might be in your best interest to try and make a more natural way to navigate that region if that is your intention.