Well you claim that but this could’ve easily still happened. A lot of major companies employ dedicated copyright agents who are paid to scour the internet in search of anything that can be related to their IP and fine notices if needed. They either came about this on accident or were in the middle of filling claims against someone else and they got hit with it.
Assuming that Roblox follows the law for one thing when they can go after some random IP instead of the big ones like Minecraft and Zelda pokes a lot of holes in your logic.
Unless you’re the copyright agent for that IP, I recommend not speculating.
Great post, provides plenty of information.
Hopefully this will also reduce the amount of stolen/copied assets on the marketplace because if you’ve seen or read this then ignorance is no excuse for infringement or stolen work.
Let’s hope this proves useful, thanks for this post.
In the post, it states only the rights holder or their authorized representative can report content that infringes on their IP rights, does this mean if a report is not submitted, the work will remain up?
ROBLOX themselves or whatever service you are using do not have the legal standing to determine who is infringing of a copyright unless the original owner or rights holder contacts them. Until the service that the infringing item is posted on is notified, it is generally classified as any other asset. Only when a report is made and reviewed by the copyright agent of said service then does it become a possibility for it to be removed, including (possibly) future similar items depending on the service.
Generally speaking, almost all websites that offer user-posted media follow this guideline. As far as I am aware it isn’t outlined within the DMCA act that the service is responsible for infringing content until it is reported as an illegal/infringing copy by the original rights holder or a representative.
This is just based off of my knowledge on the subject, if you are more interested in it I would definitely check out some articles on DMCA and what it protects, and how the services are held responsible after a claim is created.
Well then there should be licenses with your IP as much others do, stating the uses of services to distributed IPs. This means that any distributable asset will be attached with its corresponding license, which can then be server checked in order to see whether it matches or doesnt match the license requirements. The roblox ecosystem is simply far too large for people to be aware when a singular person snatches their asset. It’s extremely easy for someone’s assets (especially UGC) to be stolen and unrightfully used, with this current system of management; copying is something which will happen to no extent, it is something up to the general empathy and respect of other developers.
To be honest, I would say the shield designs are just different enough to not be IP infringement.
It’s clearly made in a similar style as Zelda, but styles can’t be owned or copyrighted, only unique designs.
Just compare the symbols and little thingies on the shield, doesn’t even look remotely similar.
Just the style is similar, but it’s a different design.
The swords I’m unsure of though because I can’t recall from memory how the original looked.
But the shields are fine Imo.
I would almost say they’re either parody or heavily inspired designs.
Will users who are NOT the IP holder be able to make anonymous copyright infringement reports? There are HUNDREDS of items clearly and obviously infringing upon copyright in UGC. There is absolutely nothing being done about it. It doesn’t take much to prove this either. Here is an example:
This character is Pom-Pom from Honkai: Star Rail by Hoyoverse / Mihoyo
These assets violate the terms stated. These aren’t ripped directly from Honkai: Star Rail, however the assets aren’t unique and are just a mirror copy of what’s present in the game. This isn’t the only instance of IP infringement for this specific game. This is not limited to only Honkai: Star Rail but other games, anime, etc.
On a different note. What are the rules and regulations for AI use on the UGC market? There have been quite a few assets recently surfacing which are clearly using AI generated content.
Are there also regulations for users using images of real life people or images off Google Images?
I don’t believe its fair nor legal to allow UGC creators to profit off other people’s IP, real life identity, AI generated content, or random images off the internet. I don’t like the approach of letting the fire burn and then putting it out only when someone finally notices it. Not all IP holders will catch wind of their IP being illegally profited off of. But by the time they do catch wind it may be too late. Even if you Roblox take down an asset believed to be infringing on copyright. If they were given permission by the IP holder they can provide you with that documentation can they not?
If this is what Roblox UGC is heading towards then I don’t support it. UGC creators that exhibit this type of behavior should not be allowed in the program. This is very unfair and damaging to genuine UGC creators. There are people who put their time and effort into creating original and unique assets.
But this is getting to a point where its bringing up the question of if UGC creators should even put in the effort to make original content? Why go through that effort if you can just take someone else’s IP and just easily profit off its popularity? It’s also evident that you Roblox you will do nothing about it unless it gets a DMCA request, which is very unlikely. Why should a UGC creator make original art if you can just take it off Google Images or AI generate it in minutes? Is this the type of behavior you want to promote on UGC Roblox?
You can, however, send anonymous tips to the IP holders and if they care enough, they’ll contact Roblox. This is the only way you can indirectly get an asset taken down.
I do agree with the licensing, and I’m hoping that the new tools that were mentioned to be coming help with this. Something such as a reverse image search would be helpful for 2D clothing assets as they rely on static images behind the scenes. A system like YouTube’s ContentID would be a great addition in helping with the IP problem.
It’s my bad for not clarifying, I didn’t mean a DMCA request when saying “anonymous copyright infringement reports.” When Roblox is talking about the legal process they are referring to the legal process of a DMCA request. If someone requests a DMCA other than the IP holder or representative and Roblox takes it down that would be illegal. But would it be illegal to inform Roblox of assets infringing upon copyright? It wouldn’t be a DMCA but more red flag for Roblox. UGC Policy states that you can “Only sell items that you have permission to sell. if you are not the original creator or owner of the IP, you must have permission from the IP owner to sell their content or inspired content.”
So, lets say an asset is reported to Roblox with sufficient evidence of infringing on copyright similar to this:
I feel like this would be sufficient enough evidence for Roblox to investigate. Roblox can conclude they do not own the IP. Can Roblox not ask the UGC creator for proof of permission from IP owner which they should have as stated in the UGC Policy? It is stated they MUST have permission to sell an item that’s not their IP. If the UGC Creator fails to provide proof of that permission can Roblox not take down the asset as violation of their UGC Policy?
There could also be new policies put in place to enforce this further. When a user uploads an asset they must specify if its their original creation or someone else’s IP. If they fail to accurately provide that information then the asset will be taken down due to violating ToS/Policies. If they do claim its someone else’s IP then they must provide proof of permission before selling.
Then again I am not a lawyer nor do I know the all law nooks and crannies. So my suggestion might still be illegal, I’m not sure haha. But I’m sure Roblox has control over what items they want to allow on their platform. As well as allowed to legally enforce their ToS/Policies.
Yes because any form of “hey this isn’t owned by the person selling it” could be taken as a notice for DMCA.
They can but Roblox investigating it themselves can (and probably is) violate the Safe Harbour Provisions under DMCA. To explain shortly: they can’t self-moderate obviously IP infringing content without risking getting sued for liability.
Trust me, we all don’t want the IP infringing crap on our platform but unfortunately this is how the law operates and as I mentioned before, the only safe way to get stuff taken care of is if you report them to the IP holder yourself.
Dealing with copyright violations for a platform like Roblox is a tight rope between compliance and ignorance. If Roblox were to go out of their way to proactively determine if content uploaded by users was in violation of any outstanding copyright, they could run arisk of loosing their extremely important Safe Harbour status, which then would allow them to be sued for copyright violations.
So if anything “wait around and not do anything” actually protects them more then proactively going after such content without notice from the rights holder. The system for taking down copyrighted works and the punishments for doing so may be created by Roblox, but the DMCA and overall copyright system are not, its the law. So ultimately, Roblox has to follow the law.
For the last time, Roblox is NOT A POLICE FORCE. It does not have the right to take down copyrighted assets, no matter how blatantly obvious, unless the actual owner informs Roblox to do so. There can be a million anime copies, but as long as the actual animation studios do nothing, they will stay. up.
If you despise copyrighted content, then instead of yelling at Roblox, send an email to those companies/individuals to make them aware, and I’m pretty sure they will issue a DMCA takedown themselves if you do so.
Also, this is completely different from the audio update. The audio lawsuit was caused because Roblox failed to remove content after artists and music labels informed Roblox to take them down. However, Roblox now takes DMCA seriously, and as long as a company files a DMCA takedown, Roblox will definitely take down all assets.
Thanks for explaining this. I didn’t know such a thing existed in DMCA. It really sucks though, the more you know I guess. Only frustrating thing about contacting the IP holders themselves is that they don’t always list their legal team and instead you need to suffer through customer support emails.
Roblox seems a bit placid when it comes to making sure games operate fairly. There’s a game up right now responsible for potentially scamming millions of robux from an audience
and direct ban evasion (of which roblox’s placid enforcement is the direct cause of both).
So while I’m sure game IP is on their list of things to protect, whether or not they are willing to is another story, simply going by their lack of general enforcement regarding games.
Of course, this is only vaguely related to the topic at hand, since I’m talking about general moderation not specifically copyright. Kind of.
What will it stop? They basically said they wont do anything at all until the actual owner steps in, which obviously most companies dont pay attention to things like Roblox catalog items. Roblox doesnt even stop obvious infringement it seems before it happens.