Check out the previous DevLog here.
It’s been nearly a month since the last DevLog! I’ve been really busy with school so work on this app has slowed down but it’s still being worked on. That said I’ve chosen a name: Proton. The reason for this being this app will be the first of its kind in Roblox and proton is the greek word for first. I don’t have many shiny things to showcase today but there’s a lot of backend less exciting stuff being worked on.
Fuzzy Finder
I’ve been working on a way of actually adding nodes in. Here’s the actual concept for it in my notes:
I’m still working on seamlessly implementing this but it’s slowly coming along:
The current hotkey for it is SHIFT+A.
So the majority of the work the past month has been focused on having nodes compile into actual code. This is a lot more difficult than it sounds. I have experience creating compilers so I figured I would rewrite the Luau AST. Like many of my initial ideas this was stupid. I ended up using the roblox-ts AST and renderer. This proved to work nicely. The next step is actually integrating it with the app but more importantly, the Roblox API. Here’s the first successful compilation:
Doesn’t really seem like much but it’s major progress.
Closing Remarks
Thanks for reading! Like I said, most of the things I’ve been working on are backend so when I actually have some more interesting things to show I’ll post another dev log.
EDIT: As of Feb. 13, 2022 this project has been restarted thanks to Flutter releasing support for Windows desktop apps. Flutter compiles directly into assembly meaning performance is extremely optimized while still having a great UI which is exactly what I needed.