Providing free mathematically accurate marketing/advertising consultation!

Dear DevForum members,

I am writing to introduce myself and share my experience in game development and marketing. My name is @Megalodox_Official, and for the past two years, I have been creating small games and attempting to market them.

Throughout my journey, I have gained some valuable experiences in advertising. However, I have always relied on basic comparisons, and my conclusions were often limited to a hopeful expectation for good performance.

Recently, I have been focusing on systematic economics and fundamental mathematics, which has enabled me to create a graphically representable formula for Roblox marketing and gameplay statistics. This formula can help you calculate the exact day on which your marketing campaign will no longer be in immediate deficit and the precise day on which your campaign will be fully beneficial.

It is essential to understand that advertising a game is unlikely to recoup the budget spent on the same day for several reasons. Firstly, the game may not have enough concurrent players, which would limit its reach. Secondly, players may not have developed a strong enough dependency on the game. Thirdly, the algorithm may not yet recognise it.

However, after a week of advertising, you will undoubtedly see better numbers. By utilising two formulas, you can accurately determine the point at which your game will become fully beneficial. With data gathered in less than two weeks, you can accurately estimate the game’s performance in months.

The calculation of the daily/semi-weekly income and the total income “Sn” is represented graphically with an example:

As you can see, before day 48, the daily income was negative since the campaign budget was above the revenue; thus, the total income was also very negative. However, starting from day 48, the daily income became positive, and eventually, the total income also.

So, I know what you may be asking. “Nice maths man, but how can this help me?”

Well, it very much can help you! If you are planning to publish a game soon and market it but are not so sure if your total budget is enough to sustain it until it becomes autonomously beneficial, I can help you draw a graph that can give you a very close estimation of the day that your game makes an actual income! All I would need is the sponsorship/advertisement and dashboard statistics for one to two weeks of consecutive marketing, and you’ll have the results.

I’m doing this for two reasons: to polish my practical mathematical skills and gain experience with marketing. I plan on publishing a few games myself by the summer. So I believe that this can be helpful for both me and you.

Please drop a comment on this topic or send a private message if you would like a free consultation. Obviously, I could also give you some advice on the artistic aspects of your images and the monetisation of the game itself.

Thanks for reading! (If you read all of that, you’re very smart :grin:)


All of this is purely theoretical for the moment, and I’m sure that a bit of actual testing would be able to really help me configure the formulas into more realistic estimations. It would be awesome of you if you could provide some past, present or future data for my innovative effort. Thanks a lot!

For example, I could lower the primary influence/power of the multiplier in the beginning which would make more sense if we consider the impact of the support from the algorithm.

Greetings, @Megalodox_Official.

This is quite a nice formula you have here. But may I ask, what you mean by all the variables in your formula? It’s quite hard to understand them as you have yet to provide us with what the variables are supposed to symbolize.

I would also recommend moving this to #resources:community-tutorials because it does seem like that you are giving us a handy tool rather than asking for game design support!

Thanks :D

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Thanks for pointing that out. I didn’t list them out because I thought that I could just calculate the results for the person, but maybe I should have.

C = Cost in :robux_gold:
Im = Impressions per :robux_gold:
Cr = Percentage of impressions turned into plays (Click rate * Join rate)
q = The concurrent player base size amplifier
Q = The spending amplifier
Qt = Number of players on day “n”
Rp = Average revenue per player on day “n”
Sn = The series that gives the total income by day “n”

I’m not too sure if I should put it in #resources because it’s currently a theoretical attempt, and I’m mostly trying to find a few curious developers who’d like to see a somewhat interesting projection of their game’s future performances. Thanks for the reminder, though! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Hey brother, this is all really cool, as Ive been preparing to advertise my game and would love some guidance as its a project i have a lot of faith in. Would you mind DMing me? (Your dms were closed)

Thank you for your post and insight :pray:

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If you are still doing this, can you provide some real factual data numbers from what you have done, perhaps in a table format, with the end results in $R earned?

That would be helpful.
