Proxima's Simple Webhook Proxy Service

proxima (1)

Are you looking for an efficient way to handle webhooks between Roblox and Discord? You can use Proxima’s simple webhook service, provided at a free cost.

It acts as a secure intermediary, allowing communication between your Roblox game and Discord.
I believe it only supports the general API at this time.
Roblox Group: Proxima Tech - Roblox
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  1. Reliable Proxy: Ensures smooth transmission of webhook payloads without disruption
  2. Secure: Protects your data with industry-standard encryption protocols.
  3. Developer-Friendly: Detailed documentation and responsive support for a hassle-free experience.

Simply replace ‘’ with our domain ‘’ This service cannot read webhook data.

If there are any issues, check the status page:


The downtime is resolved for those who experienced it

I sent a single PostAsync?


This is very underrated, and probably one of the last running webhook proxies.


I’m currently receiving an HTTP 520 error when I attempt to send webhooks from Roblox to Discord using this proxy. Not too sure what the issue might be.

The proxy service isn’t functional at this time and I’m working to restore it