Proximity Door Lock: attempt to index boolean with 'Enabled'

I am working on a Proximity Door that’s locked. When you touch a key and equip it. It allows you to unlock the door. If you unequip the key it returns back to “Locked mode”. But, I keep bumping into this error.

If you know anything, please mention it below. Thank you for reading! :happy1:

local tool = script.Parent
local sound = script.Sound
local Proxy1 = game.Workspace.ProximityDoor.DoorFrame.UnlockPrompt
local Proxy2 = game.Workspace.ProximityDoor.DoorFrame.Locked

	Proxy1.Enabled = true
    Proxy2.Enabled = false

	Proxy1.Enabled = false
	Proxy2.Enabled = true

It has to do with the Proxy2, I am supposing that this variable is boolean, due to your error message.
I suppose you have the wrong path towards the object, maybe instead of “Locked” your 2nd Proximity Prompt is called LockedPrompt, else another object or property could be called “Locked”.


@KJry_s is right,
Prox2 is receiving the Boolean of whether or not the Instance is locked as opposed to actually receiving the instance.

Renaming it LockedPrompt etc. Should work


this is becuz the proxy2 is nil meaning it dosent exists

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Actually it isn’t nil because Locked is a property of a basepart to prevent you from clicking on it in the workspace. Having children of objects be the same name as a property can cause scripts to index the property instead of the child object. This is why it retrieved a boolean instead of a child object. And the error says this: Attempt to index boolean with Enabled.


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Unfortunately, I’ve tried to change the second Proximity’s name and checked if there is anything different.

Both proximities won’t work. I have no idea how and why. Should I create a new value for it?

Edit: It turns out I just had to change the script too. Thank you for everyone who tried to help!