Proximity Prompt bugged / not showing

Economy x Bank Robbery System - Proximity Prompts not working
I am working on a secure Economy System with a Bank Robbery System. I have first worked with a base where I only created random sized blocks which were dropped into workspace.

I changed to a bank steal objets system with permanent positions but not anchored, it broke fully. It doesn’t show the proximity prompts anymore.

I tried fix it with Hitboxes, it worked for 4 cash blocks in the middle of the room when I am over them standing.

This is the drop cash/gold bars block script which does for each item in BankDrops Folder, which is located in ServerStorage, to get the object, clone it and add a proximity prompt. I have for the gold bars specific values and for the cash blocks it are random Values. Everything works except the Proximity Prompt not showing. The function for proximity prompt triggered works.

local function generateCash(Part, Id, Value)
	local originalName = Part.Name
	local item = Part:Clone()--CashBagTemplate:Clone()"Part")
	item.Name = Id
	--cash.Size =, 2, 2)
	--cash.PrimaryPart.CFrame =,5), 15, math.random(-5,5)),5), 15, math.random(-5,5)) -- Change to Bank location
	--cash.BrickColor ="Bright yellow")
	--cash.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
	--cash.Transparency = 0
	--cash.CanCollide = false
	item.Hitbox.Transparency = 1;
	local pp ="ProximityPrompt")
	pp.Parent = item.Hitbox
	item.Hitbox.Name = Id
	pp.Name = Id
	pp.ObjectText = "Steal"
	pp.ActionText = "Hold [E] to interact"
		pp.Enabled = false
		local profile = getProfile(player)
		if profile then
			if cashTable[pp.Name] then
				local cashValue = cashTable[pp.Name]

				profile.Data.Cash = profile.Data.Cash + cashValue

				Robberys[player.UserId]["Reward"] = Robberys[player.UserId]["Reward"] + cashValue

				cashTable[pp.Name] = nil

				Save(player, profile)

				player:Kick("Anti-Cheat:\nYou have been kicked by the Anti Cheat!\n\nReason:\nCash Duplication Detected")
	if string.find(originalName, "Normal") then
		item.Parent = workspace.Bank.Drops.Normal
	elseif string.find(originalName, "Case") then
		item.Parent = workspace.Bank.Drops.Cases
	elseif string.find(originalName, "Cart") then
		item.Parent = workspace.Bank.Drops.Carts

function dropCash()
	for _, object in pairs(BankDrops:GetChildren()) do
		local CashId = generateCashId()
		local CashValue;
		if string.find(object.Name, "Normal") then
			if string.find(object.Name, "Gold") then
				CashValue = 7500
			elseif string.find(object.Name, "Cash") then
				CashValue = math.random(750, 1500)
		elseif string.find(object.Name, "Case") then
			if string.find(object.Name, "Gold") then
				CashValue = 1250
			elseif string.find(object.Name, "Cash") then
				CashValue = math.random(250, 800)
		elseif string.find(object.Name, "Cart") then
			if string.find(object.Name, "Gold") then
				CashValue = 7500
			elseif string.find(object.Name, "Cash") then
				CashValue = math.random(750, 1500)
		cashTable[CashId] = CashValue
		local NewDrop = generateCash(object, CashId, CashValue)

Someone from RoDevs communtiy helped me fix it.

The fix was to disable RequiresLineOfSight of the Proximity Prompts

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