Proximity prompt doesn't appear when npc is near it

Proximity prompt does not appear if shop npc is near it. How can I fix this bug?

From my understanding (correct me if I’m wrong), ProximityPrompts are not supposed to be used by any entities other than the player. Explain what you mean when you say it does not appear when a shop NPC is near it. Do you mean that it doesn’t show up for the player because the NPC is near it? Or do you mean that it doesn’t show up for the NPC? Either way, keep in mind that ProximityPrompts are specifically for player entities. This does not include NPCs of any type.

can you send a footage of the NPC restricting the player from it appearing? or it’s probably your line of sight from the proximity prompt is being blocked by the NPC and that you stated it wrong

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and this is in-game. npc part is anchored also

this is when I make this proximity part far away from that npc humanoid


it appears when its only get distance from npc(proximity prompt distance set to 7 studs so I just made it far from it 7 studs)

It could be that the part is over a part (in this case might be the store counter or the NPC’s Torso), try make it higher or farther from the NPC’s body. If that does not work, try putting the ProximityPrompt in the NPC’s Torso, might work then. Please reply to me if both of those methods did not work. I made similar parts like this with an NPC and the part was a few studs away from the Torso, maybe try that :slight_smile:

Do you have RequireLineOfSight enabled on the prompt? If so, try disabling it, it’s very buggy


I was like thinking the proximity prompt dont show when the part is blocked by other parts, so like this maybe cannot show it.

That happens because there is something infront of the proximity prompt part it happened to me before and i just put it infront of the npc so nothing is infront of it, and also there is a setting in the proximity prompt properties that allows players to click it even if there isnt a clear way to it