Proximity Prompt Duration not Reflecting Visually

Pretty much what the title says, for some reason updating a ProximityPrompt’s duration does not affect the visual circle provided (see gif below). Am I doing something wrong?

The proximity prompt is clearly registering the updated time (as it auto cancels after that amount of time expires), however the progress circle doesn’t update!


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Is the proximity prompt officially registered by server? This could be a issue as u are changing the properties from client which are not replicated to the server

I was able to reproduce this issue even when changing the value on the server. These are the tests I conducted:

  • I tried first changing it on the client, then during the same test changing it afterwards on the server
  • I tried changing it on the server only

Both tests were made while play-testing in a new blank baseplate free from interference. The only workaround I found is to exit the play-test whenever you want to change the value, so I suspect that @LoadingL0n3ly possibly has found a bug

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I am modifying the HoldDuration on server (and I’ve confirmed it is correctly updated via Server view in my play test session).

I’ve found that disabling the Prompt, modifying hold duration, waiting 0.1 seconds, and then re-enabling it fixes the issue, but it’s a scarppy workaround (wasted network usage) so I believe this is indeed a bug, wish I had perms to post in Bug Reports :upside_down_face:, hopefully someone can move this to there.


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