Proximity Prompt Issue

I’m trying to make it so, if they hold the Prompt, the player’s “GHeal” attribute is increased by 0.05 per second and the HoldDuration to be automatically updated inversely based on the GHeal, for example if GHeal is 1, The HoldDuration is 0, If GHeal is 0, HoldDuration is 20 (which is the max duration), if GHeal is 0.5, Duration is 10, and so on…

The code generally works, but the issue is, if the prompt is still shown, the HoldDuration doesnt update, only if i disappear the Prompt and repear it, it updates. I want the HoldDuration to update everytime they hold, so even if the prompt is shown to player, the HoldDuration smoothly updates.

Based on my experience it seems like a roblox proximity prompt issue, but I ain’t blaming it fully yet, it could just me being dumb but idk. If it is the case, are there any alternatives, like do I have to redesign a custom proximity prompt system?

function GlobalHeal:LoadPromptToChar(player: Player)
	if player.Character then
		local HumanoidRootPart = player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
		local Prompt = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("HealingPrompt")
		local P = Prompt:Clone()
		P.Enabled = false
		P.Parent = HumanoidRootPart
		local isHold = false
			local duration = (1-player:GetAttribute("GHeal")) * 20
			P.HoldDuration = duration
			isHold = true
			while isHold do
				local g = player:GetAttribute("GHeal")
				player:SetAttribute("GHeal", g+0.05)
			isHold = false

I would maybe try ‘Trigger’ and ‘TriggerEnded’ as they will automatically check for ‘HoldDuration’ if it’s an “IntValue” greater then 0, unlike ‘ButtonHold’.

But Im trying to make it so when the player holds the prompt key, it increments by 0.05

I believe it is indeed a roblox problem but I’m not 100% sure. At the moment I can’t think of any workarounds but if I think of any, I’ll get back to you.

Yeah it seems like a roblox thing

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