Proximity Prompt not working, seemingly for no reason

I want for a proximity prompt to stop working after it’s triggered. For some reason, I’m having trouble with an extremely simple script that should work.

I don’t know what’s the issue in the script. After triggering the prompt, it doesn’t set the enabled property of the ProximityPrompt to false. No errors.

I’ve tried to make the proximity prompt’s parent be relocated so the player cant trigger it, but that doesn’t work. The object the proximity prompt is contained in does have a tween animation play before the proximity prompt is enabled, but I tried the same script and setup in a stationary part and it still doesn’t work. I’ve tried scripting a wait(5) before the enabled = false, but it still doesn’t work.I’ve checked the scripts of other proximity prompts that I’ve made before with the exact same script, but somehow they DO work. I’m so confused. The script is below.

	script.Parent.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false


Bug in video:

if you have used a local script to enable the proximity prompt for the client while it was disabled on the server it wont be triggered. if that is not the problem then i cant help sorry.

the problem was that the proximity prompt was being triggered while sitting down. apparently this bugged it out.

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