Proximity Prompt Studio Beta

It’s an amazing feature, I already rely on it even though it isn’t released yet.
And I think I’m not the only one! :sweat_smile:

Can’t wait for the official release!

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When will this become an actual feature that will appear in games? Is there a date?

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Since it got announced the 30th of October, I’m pretty sure it will pass some time before it gets released on the official client,
but an awesome feature nevertheless.

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Also no official date yet (as far as I’m aware).

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Played around with this alot, I love it!

Played around with the prompts in a test game, it’s so awesome! Finally, no more complex code such as UIS, magnitude and bugs I couldn’t fix! Sad it probably won’t release till next year.

When will this be public? When I say this I mean when can I release this to my game for all my players to see, this only works in studio at the moment. :frowning:

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I think it’s early 2021, from what I’ve heard. But it may change.

Is there a known release date for this feature. I am building a framework for a game and was wondering if this will be released within a few weeks or so.

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Same here, I’m working too on a game using Proximity Prompt. A release date could be helpful.

Do you know who is the creator of the Jeep and where can I get it?

I think we need a property for proximity prompts where you can set the visibility for team or some players.
(Sorry for bad grammar)


I fully agree, I’m lazy and don’t want to make a interaction system and I’d like to start using proximity prompt when it releases but we don’t exactly have a time frame for release

Sorry for my ignorance, is it normal that Proximity Prompt works on Roblox Studio but not in Roblox Player?

It is yes, Currently proximity prompt is open in all public studios but it is not currently live in game.

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The problem is for me, is that I leave for the Air Force on January 5th and I would like to release this game before then, but I am also too lazy to create my own interactions framework. Eek.

It in an open Beta; therefore, it is not available to people in a normal game, just studio.

As the people said earlier, I heard it will release in early 2021.

As roblox usually does with all of there awesome updates they will most likely use it in the next event in some way shape or form. Updates like these they like to mass test them to make sure they are top quality.
For example the Video Frames, They used those in the party place thingy
Or the skinned mesh they released recently they used that in lil nas x event
And the FIB V3 was used in the last event that was done I believe RB battles I believe.

when this will be released or visible in published game