Proximity Prompt won't open ui anymore

Might you have been putting your LocalScript under the ProximityPrompt? LocalScripts cannot run under the workspace, with the exception of being a descendant of the local player’s character

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I just got back on to test a few things and I figured out the proximity prompt doesn’t even register. I tried just putting a print inside the trigger and it doesn’t print. I also just tried doing the same thing with and it doesn’t work. I’m so confused on this because my proximity prompt worked perfectly fine and then all I did was put my characters inside replicated storage and then drag them out into workspace when the game starts to optimize lag and fix some of the accessories from missing. I’ve tried adding waits too. Can I send you guys the link youtube video link to the script I copied? or tell you the channel? they’ve literally only posted 3 videos and it’s all around the same script.

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I see the issue now, it looks like each localscript is parented to the proximityprompt, which goes into workspace

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You just have to do a basic pairs loop that loops through the stands, finding proximityprompts

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Yeah those were some of my old projects, I might have done that on accident

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the thing is, I don’t have any scripts parented to the prompt. What I have currently in the game is a creating the proximity prompt within a for loop for each podium. and then I have it set so the script that fires the ShowUIEvent and gets called when the proximity prompt is triggered is a child of the proximity prompt that gets created. so everything is in the same position as it was normally, just created with an instance.

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I just don’t get why the prompt stops being allowed to triggered. if I can get that to be triggered, my game would be ready to be published(once I do some more testing but that was pretty much all done).

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I’ll go onto a test place right now to see if I can replicate the problems


okay, thank you. do you want me to give you the youtubers name? it’s the only videos they have published and therefor you’d have the same script as me

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they have a downloadable model so it’d be easy to replicate

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Not necessary, the error is most likely just a roblox thing

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alr, I’ll be trying to see if I can fix it too. thanks again for your help

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Im not getting anything abnormal with this quick code snippet:

-- Services --

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

-- Variables --

local stand = ReplicatedStorage.Stand
local proximityPrompt = stand.ProximityPrompt

-- RunTime --

stand.Parent = workspace -- Initalizes stands

	print("Prompt Triggered")

Could you send me the link to the model?


I’ll try that rn and lyk. yes, here

I couldn’t replicate what has happened there, even after it being initialized in ReplicatedStorage it still showed the ui

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I just tried that and it worked to an extent. where I handed the moving the podiums out of replicated storage into the workspace was in a local script. when I tried to put everything that was inside the proximity prompt script it wouldn’t work because the proximity prompt script was a server script which held an event that fired to the client and one that fired from a local script to that proximity prompt server script(the try on outfits event). so I copied and pasted everything from that local script that I mention and put it into a server script located in server script service and the prompt showed up, when I clicked it, it opened the UI but the issue is that inside the Character model it doesn’t load a single asset that was in the character model at all.

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Yeah, that would be an issue, serverside Scripts cant register stuff that happens locally without intervention with a RemoteEvent or RemoteFunction, change the script to be server sided (regular script).


can prompts only be triggered via a server sided script? would I just have to work around the character model not loading in with the server script and fix that?

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Its not that, the models simply didn’t exist in workplace (workplace :skull:) to the server

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can you explain that a little more? because I really don’t understand. because the podium model existed and it shows the podium model even though the podium model gets dragged out of replicated storage the exact same way the character model gets dragged out.

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