Proximity Prompt won't open ui anymore

Yeah this is a thing that most starter scripters don’t understand, what you see in your game directory is the client side (running on your local computer), which is different from serverside, which runs on a server hosted by roblox. Here is an article that goes deeper into this:


My grammar is amazing.


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so what I’d have to do is drag the podiums from replicated storage via a local script and then use a remote event to connect the local script to a server script and run the rest of the necessary code there?

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Yes, but considering that the only thing that the local script is doing is looping through and firing a remote event hundreds of times it is way more resource efficient to do it all on the server


alright I should be able to do that. I’d do it now but my girl wanted to play with my sister tonight and I don’t wanna make her reschedule that. thank you so much for your time and solutions, seriously. you’re a life saver man. Thanks again!!!

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Just one thing, some events can only run on certain sides, for example, for GUI related events you should use LocalScripts because it is only for one player, and you can’t even run GUI related things serverside.

Example: button.Activated cannot run on the server, and only on the client

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yes I’m aware of that. all I have to do is drag the podiums from replicated storage into workspace, type out the prompt script and I should be good to go with minor tweaking.

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