Proximity Prompt

I’m trying to make a proximity prompt display a gui when triggered. It does that, but when the user attempts to do it a second time, nothing happens. Nothing shows in the output. I have tried loops, debounce methods, etc but I don’t really know what could be causing the issue. I have not tried breakpoints yet. Any ideas?

	if plr:GetRankInGroup(11639920) >= 3 and not plr.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("CheckInMenu") then
		local gui = game.ReplicatedStorage.CheckInMenu:Clone()
		gui.Parent = plr.PlayerGui
		gui.Bg:TweenPosition(, 0, 0.145, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, 1.5)

not plr.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(“CheckInMenu”), this line checks if the player has the gui, if not then it will clone the gui to a player, so the first time you do it, it will work, but then i don’t see anything in your script that delete the gui afterwards, so the second time you do it, it doesn’t work because you already have the gui

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If you’re destroying this cloned gui on the client-side (via a close button for instance), then its destruction will not replicate to the server, you either need to fire a RemoteEvent instance from this server script (which clones the gui into the player’s “PlayerGui” folder locally) or you’ll need to fire the server whenever the close button is pressed via a local script (which destroys the gui from the player’s “PlayerGui” folder on the server).

Hey thanks man. I got the script to work with a bit of an altered version of what you sent me.