I’m wondering how to have multiple prompts on screen, but only having 1 button triggered by the E button, rest buttons require click. (Depends of how close you are to the button)
im not sure what type of library u are using for this but a simple approach would be getting the magnitude distance from each prompt in a array and sorting it to get the shortest distance possible.
I think Adopt Me has custom made proximity prompts, and the closest one in keybinded while the others just show up and register clicks only, if I’m not misremembering Adopt Me has had these proximity prompts before Roblox added proximity prompt service
to make it very simple just make multiple seats with proximity prompts and make them invisible and place them the way you want in your log model or anything
first, you need to get all the visible prompts; and get the closest of them all using .Magnitude and make the closest to be the keybind, and the rest to be a click
visiblePrompts = getVisiblePrompts()
closestPrompt = getClosestPrompt(visiblePrompts)
setPromptStyle(closestPrompt, "keybind")
for _, prompt in visiblePrompts do
if prompt == closestPrompt then continue end
setPromptStyle(prompt, "click")