ProximityPrompt Interact issue

1- So I did set the Action & Object Text, although when I go near near/on the part it only shows (Interact).

2- I turned off RequiresLineOfSight then I was able to see the Action and Object Text but when go near/on the part it shows (Interact) again, also it only works when it shows Interact and if I tried to Interact when it’s showing Action and Object Text it doesn’t function.

I want it to show Action and Object Text when I go near/on the part and never show Interact and RequiresLineOfSight on, is that possible?

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Please post screen shots or videos of your problem, its always more difficult to understand exactly what the issue is with an explanation alone


without action and object text it works, I can pick up the tool.

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With the action and object text I can’t pick up the tool

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And the only difference is that it now has an object and action text?

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I turned off RequiresLineOfSight because when it’s on the object and action text won’t show.

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Another one, if I’m a lil far it shows the action and object text but it doesn’t work and then when I get closer it shows interact and it works.

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You probably have 2 proximity prompts with one of them (saying interact) is the one that the script uses and makes it functional and ignores the other.

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mentioning “script” gave me the idea to just add the prox properties in the script and it fixed it, thanks you.

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Oh lol, alright, glad I helped.

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