
I would like to make the proximity prompt visible only to other players, but how can I make it so that I don’t see it and others see it?
My script in ServerScriptService:

		if player then
			if not character.Torso:FindFirstChild("IntPrompt") then
				local prompt = game.ServerStorage.IntPrompt:Clone()
				prompt.Parent = character.Torso
				prompt.Style = "Custom"
				prompt.MaxActivationDistance = 10

Maybe you can use RemoteEvents to set certain Proximityprompt visible to player or unvisible to player

2024-02-11 (1)
I want to make sure that I don’t see this proximity prompt only on myself and so that only other players see it

Put the username that can make it visible for you. And make the other people to see it invisible.

I mean, as I said before, you can use RemoteEVENTS@@!@!@!!!

It will go like :

  • RemoteEvent named “ProximityPrompt” in replicatedStorage
  • a ServerScript that fires the remoteevent when blacklist/whitelisting the players who can see the proximity prompt
  • a LocalScript per player that disables the proximityprompt when receiving the remoteEvent