After triggering a ProximityPrompt, changing ProximityPrompt.Enabled to false takes too long to fully disable. There is a short, but noticeable window where you can still visibly see the prompt after disabling it.
This is extremely unappealing with respect to a system I am working on that allows players to pick up physics props. The prompt remains enabled on the prop for a few milliseconds as it enters the player’s hand, which looks very broken.
Thanks for the report. When a ProximityPrompt is disabled on the server, there is some latency before this reaches the client and it visually disables. A way to improve this behavior is to disable the ProximityPrompt in a local script as well for a more responsive behavior.
Update: each time the local player has a ProximityPrompt visible on his screen, a (ScreenGui) named as ProximityPrompts is created inside Player.PlayerGui > ProximityPrompts. Setting this screen’s .Enabled property to false does not work, however, you can get every children which is a ProximityPrompt BillboardGui and set their .Visible to false. That’s going to instantly hide the prompt by directly making it invisible.
Hope this helps someone out even 1 year later lol.