prpltag, an overhead tag system made by prpldev.
PrplTag is an open-sourced and lightweight overhead nametag system that supports AFK animations/ranktexts and can be easily accessed by other scripts to change a players AFK status, their name, or their rank.
AFK (window unfocused)
AFK (touching AFK line detector)
Disguised (badge/rank/name hidden)
Grab the script:
The configuration script itself explains what everything does, here’s how you access it:
Model > PurpleTag Script > Configuration
Easy as that! There’s not much of a setup, and you don’t have to move anything at all!
Events are stored in ReplicatedStorage > RankFolder
List & Description of Events
+ afkTable <table>: Fired by the handler every time the table of AFK players is updated.
- isAFK <username>: bindableFunction, returns a bool (true for the player is afk, false if they are not), called with a username (string).
+ changeAFK <isAFK (bool)>: Changes the players AFK status, can also be fired on the server with :FireClient(instance, isAFK)
- hidePlayer <plr, doHide (bool)>: Either makes the player disguised (true) or undisguises them (false) based on doHide.
+ resetRank <plr, eraseTemp (bool)>: Reset's the players tag and either keeps (false) or erases (true) any temptags made by "changeRank" based on eraseTemp.
- changeRank <plr, rank (string)>: Changes the provided players rank on their overhead to the provided string (rank).
This is prpltag’s second version, and many features are being released to the public for the first time.
If you find any bugs, or have a suggestion, reply below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.