PS5 Lag spikes to 0 FPS randomly

Also experiencing this issue. Immediately crashing the moment my mouse leaves the roblox client.


Whenever I am not in full screen the same thing happens to me. Never have seen any frame rate drops like this before now.


Yeah same, even if I’m full screen it still lags every couple of seconds down to 5 fps


Runs fine for me in full screen last I checked. It’s just when I move the mouse off of the application or close to any side of the screen.


Yea, moving your mouse away from the Roblox client window resulting in dropped fps seems to be replicable.

I too also experienced 60fps → 0fps drops randomly in game, without moving the cursor outside, with the game fullscreened.


Same exact thing is happening to me. Any time I take my mouse off my main monitor my game fps drops down to near zero. Also randomly experiencing really bad FPS drops in normal gameplay every now and then with no real reason why.


We’ve been having this issue over the past few hours in Wanderlands Dungeon RPG on PC using the Roblox Player desktop app.

This issue primarily occurs when selecting or adjusting the application window. However, also seems to occur occasionally during gameplay and for me while moving the mouse between monitors with Roblox in fullscreen.

Example of frozen client for a few seconds after resizing the game window


The future mod looking at this thread should take a look at FFlagGuiStatePressedToHoverOnRelease for these mouse lag spikes :innocent:


This occurs as well for me and other users I have asked. When focused on the Roblox window, hovering outside the window (i.e. taskbar) will cause the entire game to freeze. Task Manager shows the GPU spiking to 100%. On low-end devices, this spike occurs for multiple seconds. On a 4090, this is occurring for about 1-3 seconds.


I’m so glad this isn’t happening to just me, thought there was some unknown problem with my PC again, but ya this weird lag spike bug seems to have started after the last update.

I have two monitors with Roblox on my main one, but once I focus on the Roblox client and then move my cursor to the other monitor Roblox starts freezing like crazy, it stops when I click off and focus on another window like my browser.

Is this only happening to certain people tho? I don’t see many others having this problem, but here’s my specs just incase:

CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X570 UNIFY
RAM: 64 GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-3600
OS: Windows 11 Pro


Occurring in Arcane Odyssey as well, a large portion of the playerbase is complaining about it.


When you drag your cursor out of Roblox in any way it lags massively dropping frames to around 0. I am not sure why and I am on computer.

This is extremely annoying.

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Occuring on Windows PCs across multiple friends and my account.
Seems to occur about 20 seconds after joining, and the server will lag with the player?

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(this reply is reposted from another report abt this issue, I thought it would be good to have this here to)

Me and someone I have talked to are also experiencing this issue on windows 11. I have tested multiple roblox games and it is effecting every single one. I have also tested non-roblox games and they are unaffected leaving it to be a issue with roblox. Although the severity depends, some causing roblox to crash and other times just a slight freeze.

It activates under the following conditions:
Tabbing out of roblox (alt+tab)
Tabbing onto roblox (alt+tab)
Moving mouse off roblox window (other screen or hotbar)
Moving mouse onto the roblox window (from other screen or hotbar)
Moving mouse onto the top white bar of the window
Moving the mouse off of the top white bar of the window

Here is a video (game):


Hello, I just wanted to say that PS5 players are still experiencing this lag.
The other people who replied to this post were talking about a different issue not related to this one.

Hi Remy,

Thanks for sharing this issue with details. It seems to be on PC rather than the PS5 issue the OP mentioned. If you believe it is not the same issue, would you mind creating a new dev forum post for this issue?


The bug they were reporting has already been fixed.

I will test this out on my ps5 in a few days, I’ll stay updated.

Hi @LootRPG @chexburger @Junozy just wanted to link this bug report for the Windows performance issue when the mouse leaves the Roblox window: Roblox 'lagging' out when mousing over taskbar/title bar of window

The Windows issue is resolved but not the PS5 one.

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Hi @FRANKIIx3, it seems your post got hijacked by some PC players and ended up talking about a different bug and the lag spikes on PS5 have not been fixed. Are you still experiencing this issue?

  1. Are you able to emulate console using device emulation? Does it reproduce when using that?
  2. Can you ask your players whether there are specific moments in your experience that trigger lag spikes? In other words, is there a consistent way to reproduce the lag spikes? I’m wondering if there are any specific loading points that may cause a lot of CPU or memory usage.
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