PSA: Did you know? You can remove the plus button in Explorer!

As a developer, ever since that little white plus button feature in explorer when hovering over an object was added, I had to suffer through accidentally clicking it and having an intrusive list block the way of my rhythm. For however long (likely over a year or two) I would face this problem nearly every time I developed something. It was an annoyance that got on my nerves but at the same time I was always too busy to actively seek a solution to remove this. I RECOGNIZE THAT IT IS USEFUL FOR SOME PEOPLE! Don’t hate, it’s not a bad feature in and of itself, just spreading awareness for those who don’t need it!

Well, this morning was the last. straw. Following an internal rage yet again I decided to hop on the Roblox Developers Forum Discord and make a stand, asking others if they knew of a solution to defeat this beast once and for all. One wise warrior by the name of @Oseday stepped forward in #lounge, uttering six words that would change my life forever:
“Why didn’t you just check settings?”
With that, a new hope filled my heart and I raced back into Studio, confronting the land of Settings with my new sword of knowledge. My finger trembled as I anxiously scrolled through the Studio tab. The heart in my chest grew heavy as the check box of Hardship was nowhere yet to be found.

Then there it was.
The setting for the plus button was right in front of my eyes, highlighted blue as if trying to intimidate me.
But I was not intimidated.
In a single motion the brave little cursor of my mouse hovered right over the brain of the beast (check box). Then, it happened. My index finger thundered down upon the left mouse button with all of its might, DESTROYING the check mark brain, leaving behind a blank box. I did it. I was time to return home.
On the way back I consulted a troll. It riddled to me: “Some setting changes will not take effect until you restart Roblox”. I pushed it in the face, the troll tumbling back down under the bridge. THIS was one setting that wouldn’t require a restart.

Still having PTSD from the past many months, I hovered over an object in Explorer, fearing the worst.
To my pleasant surprise, the beast by the name of The Plus Button was no longer there. At last the feeling of victory washed over me, and I could finally develop in peace and rhythm. :trophy:

TL;DR: To remove the annoying plus button thingy go into Settings → Studio, scroll down and you’ll find the check box for “show plus button on hover in Explorer”, then YEET that check out of the box. Problem solved.


Is there really that much of a hatred toward this fantastic tool that quickly let’s me insert my most commonly used instances by quickly typing half of their names?!


I never seen a use for this because if you just do CTRL+ I you can get the same exact thing, but I can see why it’s there because not many people know about the CTRL+ I short cut.

I’ve always accidentally clicked the plus button and it was always a bit annoying. I had no idea there was an option to disable it. Thank you!


modified the post. Didn’t intend any hate towards the usefulness of the feature! I agree with you


Don’t think that this should be actually be here since it’s not really any resource but info on how to remove a really useful feature.


i keep it as I usually switch between using the plus button and the right click menu, but I think generally I use the right click menu due to the fact that it’s all there on the screen, and in alphabetical order. no scrolling required.

I think it’d be nice to switch the plus button between categorised and alphabetical, and maybe have it remember the last search?

btw, love the format of this post. made me smile :grin:


Personally I love the plus button - completely replaced my former method of using Advanced Objects, but thanks for the info nonetheless.

Might be more appropriate in Community Tutorials?


There was a big fit thrown by the community when it was first added, so they added a way to disable it. Glad that the dislike of it continues to this day, haha.

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I wish changes to the studios settings were a little more transparent…


Great way of writing this tutorial. I have had this disabled for a year or two now, but this was a great read.

I personally don’t get the point of the white plus, especially since context menu and the advanced objects menu serve the same purpose, but much less intrusive.

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I would disagree. Even though it is, in a sense, “removing” one feature, it is doing so through the use of other tools and features that are a part of Roblox Studio.

If any other tutorial regarding the configuration of Studio settings in order to increase developer satisfaction or productivity is appropriate here, I’d argue that this is as well.

I’m not sure if I understood it correctly so I’m sorry if I didn’

There’s no other tool than an option in studio’s settings that are and will be a part of it by default. This doesn’t really have an appropriate topic for that, so I guess it’d most likely fit in the spammy #bulletin-board.

To be honest, I don’t see any reason for making this post. Yes, a feature that was added over a year ago has an option to disable it. Just don’t see the point, but cool. (my 2¢)

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I think this could be pretty useful, as the plus button could be really annoying sometimes.

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Thanks, I always found it super annoying as i’d click it and then it’d be a pain to get rid of.

Very useful tip!


Oh wow. Thanks for posting this. It was always really annoying accidentally clicking it. So I disabled it and it’s really nice. I never payed attention to what it did until now. So I re-enabled it and saw what it did. Seems easier than going to advanced objects everytime… Thanks for making me actually pay attention to this lol. Now I actually use it.

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The point is to inform people of an option that wasn’t there when the feature launched when a lot of people had complaints about it due to accidentally clicking it.


Glad you posted this, also, This is the single best writing of a post I’ve ever read.

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Very much agreed! Of course this feature is great but if they add something in settings I believe it should be voiced so we know that when there’s an option

It actually boggles my mind how I didn’t find this before, despite me checking settings a few times in a row to lower quality due to what were my computer’s low standards. Thanks for showing this to us!

(can you remove the big 3d orientation mesh though???)