Public Handbook - Brewblox
Brewblox Experiences
☕️ Brewblox Cafe (Primary Game) 📝 Application Center 📋 Training Center 💼 Rank CenterCode of Conduct
Here to troll? You have come to the wrong place! We have a strict policy against trolling as it ruins user experience. We only allow up to one warning for you to stop trolling, from then on you may be kicked, banned, or even perm-banned.
You are required to follow Roblox Terms of Service. This means any clothing that is deemed inappropriate or goes against ToS will be acted upon. We also do not welcome players with glitched avatars that again, ruin user experience.
Spamming or flooding the chat with a message will result in an immediate ban from any Brewblox Premise. It's not cool, nobody likes it! :c
Exploiting is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate perm-ban, we highly advise that you read the Roblox ToS. Exploiting does not exclude glitching, caught doing so with malicious intent will also result in similar concequences.
Ban Appeals
To appeal a ban, please contact a support member through our ticketing system. If you have been banned before, your ban will not be appealable and you will be instantly denied. If you cannot use our ticketing system, please DM a member of Staffing.
Our Menu
Menu Items
Promotion Information
To become a Trainee you must have completed/passed the Quiz Center. You should be automatically ranked after that.
Junior Barista
Once you are a Trainee, you can now attend a training session! To attend, you must find a time that a session will be hosted on the Trello Sessions Board, and join the Training Center around 10 minutes before it begins. Alternatively, you can purchase this rank.
Earn 300 Points in-game, you will be automatically promoted. Alternatively, you can purchase this rank.
Experienced Barista
Earn 500 Points in-game, you will be automatically promoted. Alternatively, you can purchase this rank.
Kitchen Leader
Earn 1,000 Points in-game, you will be automatically promoted. Alternatively, you can either purchase this rank or you can be promoted based on your activity & hard-work.
Earn 2,000 Points in-game, you will be automatically promoted. Alternatively, you can either purchase this rank or you can be promoted based on your activity & hard-work.
These roles can be purchased or you can be promoted based on activity, hard-work, professionalism, etc.
Kitchen Information
All Food Items
Interact with Fridge > Equip Tray > Interact with Oven
First, interact with a Fridge, and then a UI will pop up on your screen. Choose the food item that you would like to create. You will now see a 'Tray' in your inventory, equip it and make your way over to an Oven. Once you arrive at the Oven, interact with it and your character will play an animation for placing the Tray in the Oven and cooking the item. Once your item is cooked, it will appear in your inventory.
All Beverages
Interact with Drinks Machine > Select Drink
Very simple, interact with a Drinks Machine (Coffee Machines), and a UI will pop up. Select the drink that you would like to create from the selection, then an animation will play. Once the animation has completed, your beverage will be in your inventory.
Giving Items
Press the pink button with the hand icon on the left of your screen, a UI will now pop up. Begin to type a players username and it will autofill the username, you can now press enter or the arrow button. Please wait until your customer has been given the item as they will need to accept/decline it. If you are a PC user, you can also press 'H' whilst focused within Roblox to enable the pop out UI.
Are you looking to form a new alliance with Brewblox? Look for our Affiliate Information post!
Last revised on 01/30/2023