Hello everyone!
This post is to inform you about requirements and responsibilities during public testing sessions. This is to make sure you’re prepared for any future public testing sessions. This will be a great opportunity for you to help shape the future of upcoming updates!
Requirements to Participate:
- Player Status:
- Your must be in good standing, with no bans or violations from this or allied communities.
- Platform Requirements:
- Although there are no platform requirements, it’s recommended to use a laptop or PC during testing sessions.
- Communication:
- Testers should have access to the communications server to report bugs, and provide feedback during testing sessions.
Responsibilities of Testers:
- Provide Feedback:
- Be specific (and not saying things like “It’s very buggy”) when reporting issues or suggesting improvements.
- Be Respectful:
- Maintain a respectful tone when interacting with other testers, and avoid inappropriate behavior. Any inappropriate behavior will lead to huge consequences.
- External Confidentiality:
- Please refrain from showing unreleased content to external platforms (such as YouTube, X, etc.) until release.
Important Note: Public Testers are not considered staff!