Publish to ROBLOX As... is very slow and often closes itself

Just opening the “Publish to Studio As…” dialog takes an entire minute. (Mind, this is for a nearly empty place)

Here is the interaction I just timed:

0:00: I click “Publish to ROBLOX As…” button. Dialog opens but immediately freezes.

0:30: Dialog closes without any message. I re-open the dialog

1:10 Dialog unfreezes. I click place I want to upload to. dialog freezes again.

1:35: Place is uploaded message is shown.

This is pretty ridiculous.

This is basically just an embedded webpage, why is anything in here blocking at all? Why on earth does it take this long?


Studio does this to me on a pretty regular basis.

Also its picky but I wish the progress bar actually worked. Not 0% for 30 seconds and then suddenly 100%


sometimes the thing doesnt even appear and i have to press again only immediately for it to bring up the place selection rather than spend 10 seconds loading the place selection menu.

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I’ll add it does this on every page. Animation publishing / importing, plugin publishing, everything.

I’ve noticed too I’ll publish a place, change window focus and be stuck there waiting until I refocus studio before the publish window will tell me the place actually was published.

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I’m not sure why it takes this long, but I’ve noticed it taking a while and freezing for a long time now, possibly years. I’ve tested it on different Internet connection speeds, and it seems as though having a faster connection helps, but doesn’t fully eliminate this issue. I’ve also noticed that when it crashes and you reload it, it shows the last step you were up to before it crashed while loading the first menu it shows. I would definitely like to know the reason for this.

cc @Silent137, could you shine some light on it ?

it looks like they’re using some web page implementation in app. kinda like how the start page is actually just a roblox site page. willing to bet the publish dialog is the same and hasn’t been optimized since it was made - only re-styled.

Pretty sure a user fixed this by editing one of the .dll files, it’s available in another thread, plus an explanation on why it’s happening. So I don’t see why no one has pushed that through to the production version.

This is a known issue that does not affect all machines. As such, there are very few machines in-house that repro this, so the fix is slower than normal. We are, however, actively working on this issue.

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