Publishing is giving me a 500 internal error

When I try to publish my game on profile or a group game, it gives me an internal 500 error.

Not sure how to reproduce.

Output publishing my game ```ZT DynamicTriangle: Initialized. 00:50:11.072 - DataModel Loading 00:50:45.802 - Error while publishing game: HTTP 500 (HTTP/1.1 302 Found)```

When I edit this place it is giving this output, which is probably related to universe ID.

Output for this game```00:48:46.802 - Unable to determine place/universe, proceeding with Edit alone 00:48:46.859 - httpGet failed. Trying again. Error: HTTP 400 (HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid universe). Elapsed time: 0.0840427 ZT DynamicTriangle: Initialized. 00:48:47.472 - DataModel Loading 00:48:47.472 - httpGet failed. Trying again. Error: HTTP 400 (HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid universe). Elapsed time: 0.0755663 00:48:47.809 - httpGet failed. Trying again. Error: HTTP 400 (HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid universe). Elapsed time: 0.0764819```

Nevermind, it seems to be broken again. Can’t publish at all.

Because I frequently upload all my assets between my 3 group accounts, I’m constantly logging in and out of accounts of Studio.

If I attempt to publish a game (without specifying, just clicking “publish”) it will present a 500 internal server error because I’m logged into a different account that studio doesn’t recognize as already having the place saved, it can’t overwrite something that doesn’t exist.

Log into the account that you loaded the place from and this should fix your issue.