Publishing .mesh files

Creator of Novetus(RBXLegacy) allowed me to recreate one of his built-in maps on roblox

While trying to upload the meshes with roblox’s .mesh extension, that CloneTrooper1019 was talking about

I just found out I can’t upload it

Tried looking up on devforum, ogre forum

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The endpoint you’ll want to hit with a POST request to upload meshes to the site is:

You can pass in ?name={name}&description={description} at the end of the url to set the name and description of the uploaded mesh asset.

Like other web APIs, this endpoint requires your Roblox authentication cookies to be passed in the cookie headers. If you’re on Windows and logged into Roblox Studio, you can pull these from the following registry key:


Additionally, an X-CSRF-Token is required in the request header, which is passed in the response header when you first make a POST request to the endpoint without one.

Let me know if you have any additional questions!


But how do I fool api to upload a .mesh file without getting the “unsupported file format” error? Could you please explain it easier? I’m not so familiar with Roblox’s web api.

You have to convert whatever data you’re working with into the mesh format or it simply won’t work.

Roblox does not support directly loading meshes outside of their own specification. I answered this question assuming you were looking for the web APIs needed to upload a mesh.

There’s no way to fool it into uploading or loading a .obj file, loading them directly just isn’t supported.