Pumpkingeist LowerTorso has 18x collision box in games with InnerBox avatar collisions

The Pumpkingeist Torso has something wrong with the lower torso mesh, which is causing issues in games that have avatar collisions set to inner box. In games that are affected it is very hard to walk around and has odd collisions and physics behavior on the character.

Video 1: https://gyazo.com/0296058021472db6762fb6861ef97927

Video 2: https://gyazo.com/719c2af5559228b3975656d01cc1b20a

Simple Repro: https://www.roblox.com/games/2347006737/Avatar-Glitch-Testing

The problem basically boils down to this:

  1. INITIAL CollisionFidelity of the character model is dependent on the avatar collision game setting.
  • If it is Inner Box ALL body parts have CollisionFidelity set to Hull
  • If it is Outer Box ALL body parts have CollisionFidelity set to Box
  • If player resets, ALL body parts reset according to the game setting
  • If a body part is replaced via script and load asset, the CollsionFidelity is set to Box REGARDLESS of the game setting (is this a bug itself?)
  1. If CollisionFidelity of the Pumpkingeist LowerTorso is set to hull the glitch occurs.
  1. The glitch occurs because the lower torso part, which is very small at (0.01, 0.01, 0.01), effectively has a collision box the size of (18,4,9)
  • This is what prevents the character from going through doorways and through narrow openings, etc.
  • A copy of the lower torso that is anchored in the workspace acts mostly like a solid block of this size
  • I have no idea what causes this

Taking a look now. Thanks for the thorough report.

Found the bug. It indeed has to do with the miniature size of the mesh. Will fix ASAP.


Fix shipped internally. Will take about 1 week and a day before I can enable it. Thanks again!

Sorry to necro this post, but something similar is happening again with this package. I assume it’s a similar issue with the lower torso but I haven’t done any testing just yet.

The bug can be reproduced in the same repo above, but you have to die or reset first. It acts the same way on other games, once you die or reset you can’t really walk around until you rejoin.

I have no idea if it’s related, but it seems to have started the other day at the same time problems started with collision boxes. It looks a like a solution is in the works but I wasn’t sure if this was on your radar and thought you might want to know about it. Thanks!