'Punch' Rock Module inspired by TSB

A debris module to create rocks similar to those in The Strongest Battlegrounds (highly customizable)
Only the rocks on the ground in a line, not the craters or the ones that fly into the air
although i may make that a module sometime in the future, depending on how this does

Uses ObjectCache.

Showcase images & video:

excuse the quality needed to compress it for forums

File download:

contains the module, ObjectCache, examples, and the folders required for it to work.

I didnt put any comments (sorry!) but if you want to change some stuff and don’t know how, feel free to ask in the replies

RockModule.rbxl (61.7 KB)



ill reupload in a sec
thanks for telling me lol

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Probably the best one I’ve seen so far, will you add more features to it? Like the character rock trail or the table flip rock thingies.

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yeah when i need them, not sure if i’ll open source those though. maybe as a separate module

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This module’s code quite bad so i made a few changes to it, atleast i can read this code and understand whats happening in it now.
Rocks.rbxm (9,2 КБ)

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my bad g did not intend for people to read my silly code

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