Pupil dilating/constricting transition

So I’m not really for sure exactly what to call this, but basically, I’m trying to make a transition for going from an indoor location to an outdoor one. I’m trying to in essence recreate what it looks like whenever you go from inside to out and it takes time for your pupils to dilate/constrict based on how dark/light of a place you’re coming from and going to. I’m unsure if this already exists because I don’t know what to really call it.

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You could use a colorcorrection’s brightness property

You want to adjust Lighting | Roblox Creator Documentation

It’s not super easy to do entirely automatically, because roblox doesn’t give any APIs for detecting how “lit up” a point is.

One option might just be “is a point visible to the sun” but that won’t take into account PointLights or anything.

You also could manually mark areas as dark or light, and then tween the ExposureCompensation depending on where the player was or something, but it’s not a great solution because you have to mark all those areas.