Purchase Failed with a negative requirement

After deciding to purchase a game pass on a game I was hit by an insufficient funds message ( in which I had sufficient funds for ) displaying I require a negative amount of Robux. This game pass to be specific. I’ve attempted to purchase other games and they work as intended.

Obviously, I’m unaware if this is just me that is experiencing this but it happens 100% of the time for me regardless of where I attempt to purchase this item.


Just checked my transactions log, it shows it has been purchased multiple times, yet no Robux has been deducted from my balance. :money_mouth_face:

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It’s not in your inventory though, at least there’s that.

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Yeh just thought it was bizarre and worth logging.

I just tried purchasing the same game pass, got the same negative funds error. This issue seems specific to this game: I tested this by purchasing some game passes from another game (not too expensive) and those purchases successfully filed through.

No images since my scenario’s the same as the OP, no use reposting.

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The issue seems to have expanded to other games too

Could you link examples? If you provide some detail behind your post, then you can help engineers in trying to investigate the issue. :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m one of the devs for this game and we’ve had multiple players within our community complain about transaction failures with our game’s gamepasses.

While we’ve not been able to replicate this ourselves, all of these complaints seem to follow a similar pattern.

  1. User wants to purchase one of our game’s gamepasses

  2. User prompts the purchase confirmation window

  3. User hits the Purchase button

  4. The transaction fails, stating that the user needed “-[robux]” to purchase the gamepass.

Here’s some examples from various members of our community:

One of our users also reported that their transaction logs logged the purchase, despite them not making it due to this error.


The same issue also appears on our end from the revenue summary sheet on the group.

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I’m going to attach some more stuff seeing as my original post was merged.

It seems that to the extent our gamepasses are almost completely broken, so are our dev-products.
Screenshot from one of our devs:

What’s very peculiar is that this only affects (to my knowledge) our game and not any other. It seems that a very small percentage of users are still able to purchase something however we’re not sure because it’ll still log a failed transaction as a purchase.

Screenshot of our group’s revenue sales sheet:

We’ve been experiencing this bug for weeks now and it’s beginning to severely hurt our profits, growth, and player count.


Thank you for the reports. This should be fixed now - let us know if you see any other issues.


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