Purchase prompt bug

So, i recently put together an in-game premium shop since now i have to EA my games if i want to earn anything from them.

I tried to test my shop in-game to make sure i had the right product IDs.
and this happened.

after pressing OK, it wouldn’t close, there were no errors in the console.

Not using any mobile devices, or gamepads,
this was happening in both studio and server.

EDIT: currently, i don’t have Filtering enabled

Are you using MarketplaceService:PromptProductPurchase or MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase? Could you supply the code you use?

sure thing

	game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptPurchase(player, 384201787)

it’s for a game pass, btw.

Oh I misread your OP. Pretty sure that the prompt not going away after clicking “OK” has been reported here before.

Along with your thread, you should post this to the official Core Scripts GitHub issue tracker. Issues · Roblox/Core-Scripts · GitHub

As @Usering mentioned, they already know:

(it just takes 3 years, 7 months and 4 days before they commit updates from github to the client)

I can confirm this happens to me. BUT! You CAN make it go away by hitting B on a Controller :smiley: