Purchases list on transactions page throws 500 error

On the Transactions page, attempting to view Purchases or Commissions will show an error message. The other categories seem to work just fine. The console shows a 500 error:


Pretty sure the issue just started happening today, since I was able to check the logs yesterday.

Edit: Sales seems to be busted as well. Group Sales (Roblox) still seems to work, though.


Can confirm the same issue with me as well. (Running on roblox.com in Firefox)


The same issue too (Running on Opera), And Sales Too
Edit; Sales To


If it’s a 500 error that means that it’s a server error so it’s going to happen on every browser.

Just putting this here so people don’t fill this up with “I get it too.”
It’s always going to happen until they fix the code on the server.


Only the “My transactions” category is affected as far as I know and all the subcategories in it, except group payouts. I can confirm, too.

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Same as well. I wanted to see transactions.image

Thanks for the report :pray: We are putting in a fix for this and should have it out by the end of today.

In the meantime, if you need to see your purchases or sales, you can use this endpoint
https://economy.roblox.com/v1/users/YourUserIdHere/transactions?transactionType=Purchase&limit=10 (swap out Purchase with Sale depending on what you want)
Can’t offer a workaround for commissions unfortunately :frowning:


This should be fixed now. Please let us know if you see otherwise. Also, thank you for reporting!


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