Pure Lua LZ4 library

i’ve spent the past week with this lol, so many weird edgecases


A pure Lua implementation of the LZ4 compression algorithm

LZ4 is a compression algorithm that uses dictionary-based matching to compress data. It compressess data into a block format.

This library attempts to work with the block format, and compress to it using a different algorithm (probably) to the C++ library. That being said, it should still work with the C++ tools and decompress C++ encoded data.

Source Code


To compress a stream:


To decompress a stream:



This library could definitely be more well optimised. Feel free to contribute optimisations on the GitHub, for whatever reason, data compressed with this may not work with the native decompressor


i might compare this with LZW, ill keep updated on how this goes

Wouldn’t it be better to compare LZ4 and LZW in their native languages and not use a port?. lz4’s original source code is hosted here

i want to compare your port with that. i will do it tommorow

I can no longer find this on GitHub.


Rehosted source code since there seems to be demand for this all of a sudden

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