Pure Roblox Render Feedback

I’ve been trying to create pure Roblox renders for the past couple of months, and I tried something new:

This is all Roblox, (Hence Pure Roblox) besides the title I have in the bottom right. That includes the light flare and leaks of the saturation.

You can rate this x/10, like my previous ones :slightly_smiling_face:

Pretty good. Nitpicks:

  • That choice of tree for the foreground wasn’t very good. it looks lopsided because I can’t see any foliage in the top right corner.

  • That much lens flare looks odd when the sun is peeking through the clouds.

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Too bright, needs to display more details. Text is alright, but kind of small.


I don’t think text is meant to be big, it’s just a little watermark which is meant not to be annoying.

Its nice, thats for sure, although I agree with @stravant that the foreground looks like its falling over. I also agree with @HonokaSakurai that the watermark is what my eyes flew to as soon as I saw the picture. I honestly feel like you put more time into the lighting, than the trees or any other part.

I didn’t mean for the watermark to be annoying, and plus that’s not what I’m trying to show so thats kinda off topic.