Go into the game and run this command 10 or less minutes before the session begins: !host
Say all of this in discord: ;shout INTERVIEWS | Interviews will be hosted by [NAME HERE] at [TIME HERE]. Hotel guests, why not come down to become a trainee?
1 | Introduction
;sm Hello, welcome to the [TIME HERE] interview session! My name is [NAME HERE] and I am joined by my co-host, [NAME HERE] .
;sm At this time please do not talk.
;sm Correct this sentence: hi can i get room plz
:sm All trainees have been sent a grammar test. Please note that you must correct this sentence to pass!
Kick all trainees who have failed.
The correct sentence should be: Hi can I get room please?
;kick [NAME] Sadly, you have failed the grammar test. Come back at a later time to try again.
;sm Congratulations to all of the passers! Your grammar was stupendous!
2 Rules
At this time, let the co-host choose the interviewers! CO HOST WILL CHOOSE ONLY IF THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH ALREADY
NOTE: The co-host must choose 2 interviewers.
NOTE: You can continue while the co-host names the interviewers.
The co host will DM a staff member and ask them if they would like to interview.
If the staff member says yes, the co-host will name them. ;name (name) | Interviewer
NOTE: Only MR+ can interview!
;sm Firstly, you will be randomly selected and asked to move into an office.
;sm The interviewer will ask you to either sit down or stand on the wall.
;sm After this, you will then be asked VII questions.
;sm Remember to use grammar at all times as you will be graded on it!
;sm V grammar strikes will result in you failing your interview.
;sm With all of that said, who is ready to begin?
You may tell the interviewers to begin teleporting people into their office.
;sm Interviews you may begin to teleport the clients into your offices! Make sure to run ;jump (username) first.
;sm The lobby is now cleared. Thank you for choosing PurplePalms Hotel. Good luck! <3
3 | Conclusion
You may take a picture with the staff if you would like.
Announce that the session has concluded and all staff are dismissed.
;sm Trainings have concluded! You are all dismissed.
After two minutes, use the command ;shutdown
Update the group shout: INTERVIEWS | Interviews have concluded. Congratulations to all of the passers!
You can do so in discord by running ;shout in the discord.