Hi! I have a question, how can make something like this:
It’s BodyVelocity but how can I make them get pushed like that in the video.
Hi! I have a question, how can make something like this:
It’s BodyVelocity but how can I make them get pushed like that in the video.
what you mean exactly pushed? you get the distance between the players involved and the caster himself and multiply it with some vector to add extra spice, then getting the unit of all of them combined and multiply it by an amount of how much power you want (ig. 150, 69, 250)
here’s an example i made, make sure to force sit the players so they can’t cancel the force
local velocity = Instance.new("BodyVelocity", involved)
velocity.MaxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
velocity.P = 1000
velocity.Velocity = ((involved.Position - attacker.Position) * Vector3.new(.125, .25, .125)).Unit * 40
debris:AddItem(velocity, .1)
also, if you want it to deal to multiple people, just create a for i thing for those who got hit in the process (like creating an instance “gotHit” in their model then the for i checks if they have “gotHit” then that’ll codeline will trigger)