Pushing invalid value to virtual event category results in a false 'System Update' category.

When creating a virtual event through the /virtual-events/v1/virtual-events/create endpoint, pushing an invalid category does not throw an error but rather allows the invalid input and blanks the event category, setting it to a category called “System Update” which doesn’t exist.

The C# code sample is below (some code is from my own framework). Note the eventCategories line.

object body = new
    title = settings.Title,
    subtitle = settings.Subtitle,
    description = settings.Description,
    placeId = Id,
    universeId = Experience.Id,
    groupId = groupid,
    eventTime = new { startTime = settings.StartTime.Value.ToString("s"), endTime = settings.EndTime.Value.ToString("s") },
    eventCategories = new[] { new { category = "some junk here", rank = 0 } },
    visibility = settings.Visibility.ToString().ToLower(),
HttpMessage payload = new(HttpMethod.Post, $"/virtual-events/v1/virtual-events/create", body)
    AuthType = AuthType.RobloSecurity,
    ApiName = nameof(CreateVirtualEventAsync)
HttpResponseMessage response = await SendAsync(payload, Constants.URL("apis"));

Expected behavior

The Web endpoint should reject the request and state that an invalid category is provided, or reset the category to a default option. Instead, the input is accepted, and set to a category that does not seemingly exist as it’s not in the dropdown options.



Thanks for the report. This should be resolved now, but please let me know if you are still encountering any issues.

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